First- my beloved Ah Gong passed away. In his last days, he was breathing with an certain amount of discomfort. In fact, in the past 1 year, I have seen how dispirited he has become ever since my Ah Ma passed away. That will to live seems to have deserted my Ah Gong. He wasn't talking to me as much as before. Even though he was also suffering from stomach cancer and a mild stroke, I didn't expect my beloved Ah Gong to lose his interest in his life. The blow of losing his partner of almost 60 years was too much to take. Gradually, it hit on me that it was better off for Ah Gong that he meet Ah Ma sooner in God's kingdom. I didn't shed much tears when God finally called him. With God's grace, he left us peacefully. I even have the privilege of cleaning his sticky palm and wiping away the tears at the edge of both his eyes before he was taken away. I love you Grandpa... something which I have never tell him before. But hopefully, he would have know that by my actions.
If you think things will change for the better, you are so wrong! On the 2nd day of my Grandpa's wake, as I made my way to pick up Cindy, I received news that her mother has been sent to SGH again. Having spent more than a week at SGH with my Grandpa, I thought it will be a while more that I will step my foot on SGH. I was so wrong to have thought of that as I was driving past SGH. Cindy's mother spent the next 1 week in ICU. Some inexperienced doctor told us she was in coma. But she wasn't, she just couldn't wake up due to a kidney infection. Inside my heart, I knew she will wake up. And she did after almost a week! Thank God for that! She is now recovering in a normal ward. Now I have been to SGH for 24 days. What an unwanted record for me! I can even close my eyes and tell you which part of SGH I am at now! Darn!
What goes down, must come up... So where's the up??? Well... I didn't have to wait long. Thanks for His Grace... to be continued.

YNWA @ 3:00 PM