This is already the 2nd night of the Chinese Seventh Lunar Month. Suddenly have this urge to write something I feel about the Chinese Seventh Lunar Month, which is commonly known in this part of my world as, The Hungry Ghost Month...When I was young, my family will always tell me tales about the Hungry Ghost Month. Things like, don't mention the word "Ghost" during this month, don't go near water places, are so common that it has become a norm during the Seventh Month. More exaggerating advices like, "Son, you better don't stay out late or "You better don't wear red, wait 'they' follow you home!", were always on the elders' lips as I grew up.
It was always exciting and fun to fold incense paper with my family when I was young. I remembered folding incense paper into the shape of "yuan bao", which I initially thought really look like folding paper boat! There was another kind of paper folding which look like the shape of a baton which we used during Sports' Day! Some more, they came in so many colours! My mum or dad will always write down the names of our family members on one such incense paper which puzzled me. Upon asking, I realised that was to make sure "Our good brothers" will know that those offerings are from us and not from other people! How ridiculous! but true indeed! We will also prepare a tray of bananas, peanut and coloured candy.After preparing all these stuffs, we will go down to the pavement area which is directly below my unit(So unbelievable! Must be directly below our unit, or else "Our good brothers" will not know the offerings are from us!!!) to burn the papers, light the candles and lay out the food offerings.
The next day when I walked by the place which we set up our offerings, I will noticed that the foods have been messed up. Being a kid and easily conned into what the adults say, I really believed "Our good brothers" have actually came to consume our offerings! It really gave me the fear whenever I passed by others' offerings that were messed up. It was until one day when I saw the stray cats messing up the offerings that my fear was lay to rest! HaHa...
It was not long when our family stop practising the offerings of incense paper and food. I think it was about the years after my Dad passed away. It suddenly hit upon us that what's the point of burning papers away(Environmental Unfriendly!) when we actually don't really believe such rituals serve a purpose. Thus, we stopped doing the offerings practice and much of the fun of folding incense paper and burning 'hell' notes were gone...
If you ask me if I really believe the Hell Gate is open during the Seventh Month...Well... Err... even though I'm a Catholic, I believe spirits are always around us, and not only during the Seventh Month! Scary right?? Haha... Maybe during the Seventh Month, we have more spirits roaming the Earth, that's all! In fact, I have heard many stories of peoples with "Yin Yang" eyes who can see spirits. One actually told me that during the Seventh Month, she sees more of our beloved "Good brothers"! And that's the reason she choose not to go out as often during the Seventh Month.
Well, if saying all these stuffs are giving you goosebumps(I am having them now though! It's 314am now, so it's only natural! Haha...), let me just say this... If our conscience is clear, if we have not done any harm on anyone, if we have been good, why will the spirits want to harm us? One day, I may become one of them too! These spirits used to be human beings(flesh and blood!)too! I always think that the only difference between us and "Our Good Brothers" is that we are in different form. To those of you who still believe what the adults advises us not to do during the Seventh Month, I say... no matter where we go, when we go(be it Seventh Month or the Eighth Month) , we must always take care of ourselves when we are outside enjoying.
I must tell you this scary thing though... let me tell the most scariest thing on Earth ok??? Ready???'s our human's heart(Ren Xin).
Marcus XA
2:44 AM